Shopping cart abandonment rate 2024

By: Robin Geuens

Last updated: January 21, 2025

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Research highlights: In 2024, the shopping cart abandonment rate stayed at 70.19%, just like in 2023. Since 2019, it's gone up slowly by 0.62 percentage points. The biggest reason people leave their carts is because of high extra costs, mentioned by 48% of people, with account creation requirements coming next at 26%.


Shopping cart abandonment rate

  • In 2024, the shopping cart abandonment rate stayed the same as in 2023, holding steady at 70.19%

  • Since 2019, the shopping cart abandonment rate has been going up gradually, with a total increase of 0.62 percentage points over the last five years

  • The biggest jump in shopping cart abandonment in a single year happened in 2011, with a big rise of 6.35%, bringing the rate to 68.87%

  • The highest shopping cart abandonment rate recorded was in 2012 at 71.98%, while the lowest was in 2006 at 59.80%

  • Between 2010 and 2014, there were some big changes in abandonment rates, with a noticeable drop in 2014 by -4.34%—the largest single-year decrease—after steady increases from 2010 to 2013

  • From 2013 to 2020, there were only small changes each year, with the rate staying pretty stable, moving within a narrow range of 69.57% to 71.98%

  • In 2009 and 2011, there were back-to-back increases of over 6%, marking two of the sharpest upward movements in the data, suggesting a possible change in how consumers behaved during those years.

Year Shopping cart abandonment rate % Change
2024 70.19% 0%
2023 70.19% ↑ 0.29%
2022 69.99% ↑ 0.24%
2021 69.82% ↑ 0.03%
2020 69.80% ↑ 0.33%
2019 69.57% ↓ -0.46%
2018 69.89% ↑ 0.95%
2017 69.23% ↑ 0.87%
2016 68.63% ↑ 0.15%
2015 68.53% ↑ 0.68%
2014 68.07% ↓ -4.34%
2013 71.16% ↓ -1.14%
2012 71.98% ↑ 4.52%
2011 68.87% ↑ 6.35%
2010 64.76% ↓ -2%
2009 66.08% ↑ 6.56%
2008 62.01% ↑ 1.06%
2007 61.36% ↑ 2.61%
2006 59.80%


Shopping cart abandonment rate by industry

  •  The Luxury & Jewelry industry has the highest cart abandonment rate in 2024 at 82.84%

  • Pet Care & Veterinary Services has the lowest rate at 54.78%, showing that customers are more committed to essential or health-related purchases

  • Both the Home & Furniture and Beauty & Personal Care industries have high abandonment rates, at 80.32% and 80.92% respectively

  • The Fashion, Accessories, and Apparel sector has a rate of 78.53%

  • In the Food & Beverage sector, the cart abandonment rate is 63.62%, which is lower than other industries but still shows some friction in this essential spending category

  • Consumer Goods has one of the lowest abandonment rates at 57.37%, likely due to lower prices and more frequent purchases

  • Multi-Brand Retail sees an abandonment rate of 76.90%, possibly due to inconsistent checkout processes or shipping policies across different brands

  • The abandonment rates for Luxury & Jewelry, Home & Furniture, and Beauty & Personal Care all exceed 80%, reflecting significant consumer hesitation in industries where purchases are often high-value or discretionary
Abandonment rate 2024
Luxury & Jewelry 82.84%
Consumer Goods 57.37%
Home & Furniture 80.32%
Beauty & Personal Care 80.92%
Fashion, Accessories, and Apparel 78.53%
Pet Care & Veterinary Services 54.78
Food & Beverage 63.62
Multi-Brand Retail 76.90%


Why do online shoppers abandon their cart?

  •  The top reason people leave items in their shopping cart is because extra costs like shipping, tax, and fees are too high, mentioned by 48% of respondents. This is almost twice as common as the next reason

  • 26% of customers ditch their carts because they have to create an account, showing that account requirements can be a big hurdle for making a purchase

  • Not trusting the site with credit card info is a big worry for 25% of users, making it the third biggest reason people don't finish buying

  • How fast things get delivered is important, as 23% of shoppers leave their cart if the delivery time seems too slow

  • 22% of users say a long or complicated checkout process makes them abandon their cart, highlighting the need for a smooth checkout experience

  • Not being able to see or figure out the total order cost upfront causes 21% of shoppers to leave

  • 18% of users leave their carts because they don't like the return policy, pointing out how a clear and flexible return policy can help keep customers

  • Technical problems like website errors or crashes make 17% of shoppers abandon their carts

  • 13% of shoppers leave their cart because there aren't enough payment options

  • Payment issues like a declined credit card affect 9% of users, indicating the need for strong payment processing systems
Reason for abandonment Percentage
Extra costs too high (shipping, tax, fees) 48%
The site wanted me to create an account 26%
I didn't trust the site with my credit card info 25%
Delivery was too slow 23%
Too long/complicated checkout process 22%
I couldn't see/calculate total order cost upfront 21%
Returns policy wasn't satisfactory 18%
Website had errors/crashed 17%
There weren't enough payment methods 13%
The credit card was declined 9%


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