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Scrape Bing Search data without risk of IP bans

Scrape all the Bing Search data you need without being blocked or getting your IP banned.
  • Easily scalable
  • Zero infrastructure management
  • Real-time data

Get the data you need with a single API call

curl --location 'https://scraping.soax.com/v1/serp/bing?q=proxy'
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                "Fast · Safe · Privacy First · Personal Browser",
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            "details": "US Residential ISP Proxy · Designed for web crawling · IPs in 7 US states",
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                "US Residential ISP Proxy · Designed for web crawling · IPs in 7 US states",
                "Services: 17 rotating proxy servers, Proxies in 10 countries, World proxy with …"
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                "title": "Proxy vs Reverse Proxy Explained",
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                "date": "Feb 16, 2023",
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                "title": "🔥 How To Create Your Own FREE Proxy Server",
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        "description": "In computer networking, a proxy server is a server application that acts as an intermediary between a client requesting a resource and the server providing that resource. It improves privacy, security, …New content will be added above the current area of focus upon selectionIn computer networking, a proxy server is a server application that acts as an intermediary between a client requesting a resource and the server providing that resource. It improves privacy, security, and possibly performance in the process.Wikipedia",
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                "title": "Proxy servers also work to prevent intrusion from known malware sites. Organizations also add to VPN’s to increase security and allow remote users to access the company network. Web proxy servers play a significant role in cybersecurity for both individual and organizational use."
                "link": "https://www.proofpoint.com/us/threat-reference/web-proxy-server#:~:text=Most%20public%20free%20web%20proxy%20servers",
                "title": "Most public free web proxy servers do not use encryption. This means that all traffic can be read in cleartext both on the server and as it passes across the internet."
                "link": "https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-client/networking/use-authenticated-proxy-servers#:~:text=Proxy%20servers%20that%20require%20authentication%20either",
                "title": "Proxy servers that require authentication either require a username and password to access the Internet or authenticate users by using their current domain credentials. Depending on your proxy configuration, you may encounter one of the following problems when you use Microsoft Store apps:"
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        "title": "Proxy server",
        "type": "Server application"
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                                    "title": "Über Den Proxy"
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                        "snippet": "وكيل أونلاين متقدم CroxyProxyهو خدمة وكيل ويب موثوق و مجاني يحمي خصوصيتك. يدعم الكثير من مواقع الفيديو و …",
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                        "snippet": "CroxyProxy adalah layanan proxy web aman yang mutakhir. Gunakan untuk …",
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                        "link": "https://www.croxyproxy.com/blog/posts",
                        "snippet": "Configure your personal web proxy for free and share it with friends! Enjoy ad-free, …",
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                        "title": "Über Den Proxy"
            "snippet": "CroxyProxy is a secure web proxy that allows you to browse websites with higher privacy and video streaming support. It works as a proxy browser and does not require any …We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.وكيل أونلاين متقدم CroxyProxyهو خدمة وكيل ويب موثوق و مجاني يحمي خصوصيتك. يدعم الكثير من مواقع الفيديو و …CroxyProxy adalah layanan proxy web aman yang mutakhir. Gunakan untuk …Configure your personal web proxy for free and share it with friends! Enjoy ad-free, …ਅਤਿ-ਆਧੁਨਿਕ ਔਨਲਾਈਨ ਪ੍ਰੌਕਸੀ. CroxyProxy ਇੱਕ ਭਰੋਸੇਮੰਦ ਅਤੇ ਮੁਫਤ ਵੈਬ ਪ੍ਰੌਕਸੀ ਸੇਵਾ ਹੈ …",
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            "title": "Free web proxy and a cutting-edge online proxy | CroxyProxy"

Scrape the Bing Search data you need using our scraper API

Use our scraping API to obtain Bing Search data from the cities your customers live in, providing you with sharp, focused insights to improve your strategy.

Get top-notch success rates without the extra costs. Pay just for the data you successfully retrieve from Bing Search, and save the rest

Don’t let infrastructure worries slow you down. Our scraping API adjusts and scales to meet any demand, allowing you to concentrate on expanding your business seamlessly.

Our Unblocker technology makes sure you always have uninterrupted access to crucial data. Forget about CAPTCHAs and IP bans—your workflow stays smooth and steady.

Our Bing Search API lets you select the data format that works best for you—HTML or JSON. Get structured, ready-to-use data that integrates directly into your existing systems.

Configure your API to deliver data in the language and encoding that best suits your needs. Import data seamlessly into databases or spreadsheet tools like Excel and Google Sheets. The API's compatibility with any HTTP client makes retrieval painless and efficient.

Enterprise-grade scaling

Scale data harvesting operations without worries of infrastructure bottlenecks.
  • Integrated browser fingerprint technology
  • Headless scraping
  • No CAPTCHAs or IP blocks
    Enterprise-grade scaling

    Just need a proxy for your scraper?

    Residential proxies

    Use only IP addresses provided by real internet service providers from all over the world. Access Bing Search from anywhere in the world.

    Mobile proxies

    SOAX US ISP network is built of residential IPs bought or leased from Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for commercial use, rather than for use from private homes.

    US ISP proxies

    Easily collect publicly available data with highly reliable mobile proxies from all over the world (Excluding State of Texas, USA).

    Datacenter proxies

    Data center proxies offer major advantages in speed, uptime and scalability, making them suitable for large-scale automation.


    Flexible SERP scraper API plans and pricing

    Efficient data extraction starts here. Explore our prices to find the SERP scraper API plan that fits your project's scope and scale.



    Pay as you go

    Get started for as little as $4 and only pay for the data you use

    from $1.40

    /1000 requests




    Entry-level plan for startups and SMEs to support growth

    from $1.20

    /1000 requests




    For businesses requiring access to advanced tools

    from $0.90

    /1000 requests




    Enhanced operations for companies using proxies in critical processes

    from $0.70

    /1000 requests



    Work with our experts to create a bespoke solution for your goals

    Price based on usage

    Tailored packages for businesses with large-scale data needs

    Get a bespoke solution that caters to extensive data requirements. Take advantage of bulk pricing discounts, personalized SLAs and all the support you need to run scraping APIs at scale.


    Features of our SERP scraper APIs

    Top features

    Easily scalable

    Avoid interruptions, even during high-volume scraping activities. Our scraping APIs handle large-scale scraping projects effortlessly without compromising on performance.

    Real-time data

    Get up-to-the-minute insights from ecommerce websites, social media platforms, search engine results, and more, so you can make informed decisions with the latest data.

    100% success rate

    Successfully extract data from even the most challenging websites. We engineered our Web Unblocker to overcome advanced anti-scraping measures, including CAPTCHAs.

    Zero infrastructure management

    We take care of all proxy management and unblocking operations, saving you time on development as well as infrastructure and resource costs.

    Integrate seamlessly

    Integrate SOAX proxies with a wide array of popular programming languages, including PHP, Python, .Net, Java, JavaScript, C/C++, C#, and more. For browsers, browser extensions like FoxyProxy simplify proxy configuration in just a few clicks. Detailed code samples, tutorials, and docs ensure your project is up and running quickly.

    import requests

    url = "https://scraping.soax.com/api/v1/request?store=AMAZON&nocache=true&param=B071WR7MLW&function=getProduct"

    headers = {}

    response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)

                          $ curl -x "http://username:pw;;@proxy.soax.com:9000" -L http://checker.soax.com/api/ipinfo

    $auth = base64_encode('username:pw;;');
    $aContext = array(
    'http' => array(
    'proxy' => 'tcp://proxy.soax.com:9000',
    'request_fulluri' => true,
    'header' => "Proxy-Authorization: Basic $auth",

    $cxContext = stream_context_create($aContext);
    $sFile = file_get_contents("http://checker.soax.com/api/ipinfo", False, $cxContext);
    echo $sFile, " ";

    using Rebex.Net;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;

    namespace ConsoleApp1 {
    class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
    Rebex.Licensing.Key = 'ENTER YOUR LICENSING KEY HERE';
    var client = new Rebex.Net.HttpRequestCreator();
    client.Proxy.ProxyType = ProxyType.Socks5;
    client.Proxy.Host = 'proxy.soax.com';
    client.Proxy.Port = 9000;
    client.Proxy.UserName = 'username';
    client.Proxy.Password = 'pw;;;;';
    var url = 'http://checker.soax.com/api/ipinfo';
    var httpRequest = client.Create(url);
    httpRequest.Headers['Accept'] = 'text/html, application/xhtml+xml, image/jxr, */*';
    httpRequest.Headers['Accept-Language'] = 'en-US,en;q=0.7,ru;q=0.3';
    httpRequest.Headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip, deflate';
    httpRequest.Headers['Host'] = url;
    httpRequest.Headers['Connection'] = 'Keep-Alive';
    httpRequest.Timeout = 30000;

    try {
    var response = httpRequest.GetResponse() as Rebex.Net.HttpResponse;
    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) {
    var content = sr.ReadToEnd();
    Console.WriteLine('Url: ' + url + ' ' + 'Content length': ' + content.Length + ' ' + 'Response': ' + content);
    catch (Exception e) {
    Console.WriteLine('Url ' + url + ' is failed. ' + e.Message);
    Python cURL PHP C#

    Global proxy network

    Take advantage of over 191 million ethically sourced IPs and the ability to target any country, city, carrier, and ASN. The diverse proxy network enables data scraping from almost any location while avoiding detection.
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    More than 10,000 customers choose SOAX for their data collection needs

    A trusted partner in the journey towards sustained success

    "SOAX proxies are an integral part of our ecosystem, seamlessly integrated into our operations. The SOAX team has become more than just a service provider; they're now a trusted partner in our journey towards sustained success."

    Sergey Konovalov

    Sergey Konovalov, CEO - Mobio Group

    Got questions?

    Is scraping Bing Search legal?

    Scraping publicly available data is legal. However, it becomes a problem when data is protected or the amount of data you scrape is so large that it starts to be a problem for the site you're scraping. In general, respect the ToS and the robots.txt file. Even then the website might still block your IP or make it more difficult for you to scrape their site.

    What is a Bing Search proxy?

    A Bing Search proxy is a residential, mobile, datacenter, or ISP proxy that you use specifically for Bing Search. In short, a proxy act as a middleman between you and Bing. They can help you remain undetected while scraping data, or access pages that are geo-blocked.

    Do you need proxies to scrape Bing Search?

    When you're scraping Bing Search, proxies play a big role. Without them, websites can quickly detect what you're doing and block you. With a residential proxy , for example, your scraper looks like a normal visitor and won't get blocked. Adding to that is the fact that different cities might have different prices, so using a proxy can help you check the prices or data in the cities your customers are in.

    What data can I get from Bing Search?

    You can scrape the following information from Bing Search: Ad Results, Answer Box, Bing News, Coupons Results, Images, Inline Images, Inline Videos, Knowledge Graph, Local Pack, Organic Results, Recipes Results, Related Questions, Related Searches, Shopping, Short Videos, Top Shopping Results

    Which social media platforms can I scrape?

    We offer social media scraping APIs for:

    Looking for a specific dataset, or need help setting up your scraper?

    Get in touch with our team of data extraction experts today.