Custom scrapers built within 7 days
Gain the data you need quickly and efficiently within just seven days of your request.
Residential proxies
Browse using 155m+ real IPs across multiple regions
US ISP proxies
Secure ISP proxies for human-like scraping in the US
Mobile proxies
Unlock mobile-only content with genuine mobile IPs
Datacenter proxies
Reliable low-cost proxies for rapid data extraction
Top Proxy Locations
Top industries
Top use cases
Top targets
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Research, statistics, and data studies
We offer custom web scraping solutions to help you get hold of the precise data and insights you need for your business.
Custom scrapers built within 7 days
Gain the data you need quickly and efficiently within just seven days of your request.
Bypass blocks and anti-bot protections
Optimized to work with Cloudflare, Datadome, Akamai, Incapsula, PerimiterX and more
Multiple data formats
We offer data extraction in any format, so you can work with the best one for your needs.
E-commerce Requests
Gather commercial data at speed from key e-commerce sites.
98% product matching success rate
Our scrapers leverage AI to effectively and accurately product match.
Ready-made e-commerce parsers
Take advantage of ready-made options for thousands of stores worldwide.
Gain the data you need quickly and efficiently within just seven days of your request.
Optimized to work with Cloudflare, Datadome, Akamai, Incapsula, PerimiterX and more
We offer data extraction in any format, so you can work with the best one for your needs.
Gather commercial data at speed from key e-commerce sites.
Our scrapers leverage AI to effectively and accurately product match.
Take advantage of ready-made options for thousands of stores worldwide.
SOAX offers a wide pool of legitimate and stable IPv6/IPv4 addresses
Dedicated project support
You'll be able to work with a dedicated project manager, ensuring we fully understand your needs.
AI-powered data extraction
We can leverage the power of AI to extract data faster and more accurately than ever before.
Global coverage
We're not limited by geography - we offer data scraping across 195+ countries and territories.
Quick turnaround
Start scraping and collecting the data you need within just 7 days of your request.
You'll be able to work with a dedicated project manager, ensuring we fully understand your needs.
We can leverage the power of AI to extract data faster and more accurately than ever before.
We're not limited by geography - we offer data scraping across 195+ countries and territories.
Start scraping and collecting the data you need within just 7 days of your request.
Custom-built solutions
/Dedicated project support
/Ready within 7 days