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Protect your brand reputation with the best residential proxy network

Monitor your brand safety, prevent fraud, and detect any illicit uses of your brand’s name. With SOAX residential proxies, you can easily keep track of all brand mentions on the web.
check-icon 99.55% proxy success rate
check-icon 0.55s proxy response time
check-icon 155m+ ethically sourced residential proxies

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Residential Proxies

Why businesses choose SOAX for brand safety

Collect large amounts of data in a few clicks.

Customize your User Dashboard to highlight the data you need.

Don’t wait until it’s too late: detect fraud and prevent it.

Get data from any location in the world (excluding the State of Texas, USA).

Avoid IP blocks and captchas.

Choose the proxy solution for your needs

Residential proxies

Use only real IP addresses provided by real internet service providers from all over the world (Excluding State of Texas, USA)

US ISP proxies

SOAX US ISP network is built of residential IPs bought or leased from Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for commercial use, rather than for use from private homes.

Mobile proxies

Easily collect publicly available data with highly reliable mobile proxies from all over the world (Excluding State of Texas, USA).

Data center proxies

Data center proxies offer major advantages in speed, uptime and scalability, making them suitable for large-scale automation.

More than 10,000 people choose SOAX for their business

A trusted partner in the journey towards sustained success

SOAX proxies are an integral part of our ecosystem, seamlessly integrated into our operations. The SOAX team has become more than just a service provider; they're now a trusted partner in our journey towards sustained success.

Sergey Konovalov

Sergey Konovalov, CEO - Mobio Group

Ready to start collecting data and achieve your business goals? Talk to our experts.

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