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Use cases

What is bot traffic? Definition, uses, and examples

Automated scripts and software applications that generate traffic are called “bots”...

Lisa Whelan

Web crawling

What is CAPTCHA, and how does it work?

CAPTCHAs are tests that determine whether traffic to a website originates from a...

Lisa Whelan

Web scraping

What is web scraping? – Learn how web scraping works

When you collect data from the web and aggregate it into one place, we call it web...

Lisa Whelan

Web scraping

Web Crawling vs. Web Scraping - What’s the Difference?

Web crawling and web scraping are related concepts, but they serve different...

Lisa Whelan

Web crawling

What is a Web Crawler and How Does it Work?

Web crawling is a fundamental process that powers the internet as we know it. It...

Robin Geuens
