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Take your game to the next level with high quality gaming proxies

Play anonymously, manage multiple accounts, bypass geo-restrictions and ensure stable performance with proxy servers for gaming.
check-icon 99.55% proxy success rate
check-icon 0.55s proxy response time
check-icon Unrestricted access in 195+ countries and territories

Three-day trial

No set-up costs

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What are gaming proxies?

Proxies can unlock a range of useful features for online gamers to help them stay connected and enjoy playing without interruptions, blocks or restrictions. 
  • Access geo-restricted content
  • Ensure anonymous play
  • Set up and manage multiple accounts
  • Reduce P2P latency
    Gaming proxies 1

    Top features of our gaming proxies

    Our gaming proxies average a response time of 0.55s, ensuring uninterrupted gameplay and minimal lag

    Our dashboard makes it easy to set up and manage your gaming proxies based on your own requirements

    Use gaming proxies to easily bypass blocks and bans, and get you back in the game

    Our gaming proxies cover 195+ countries globally with city-level targeting available in selected regions

    More than 10,000 people choose SOAX for their business

    A trusted partner in the journey towards sustained success

    SOAX proxies are an integral part of our ecosystem, seamlessly integrated into our operations. The SOAX team has become more than just a service provider; they're now a trusted partner in our journey towards sustained success.

    Sergey Konovalov

    Sergey Konovalov, CEO - Mobio Group

    Ready to take your gaming experience to the next level? Start your trial today.

    Three-day trial


    No set-up costs


    Cancel anytime