How to scrape Google Search with Python (Step-by-step guide)
Last updated: 17 February 2025
Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) offer a wealth of data, including keywords, ad listings, and website rankings, that can inform marketing research. Python provides a practical way to access and analyze this information. By using Python to scrape Google Search data, marketers can gain insights into competitor strategies, identify relevant keywords, and optimize their campaigns. This post will show you how Python can be used for scraping SERP data to improve marketing outcomes.
- Python third-party libraries such as Selenium and undetected_chromedriver to develop a custom scraper
- Ready-made scraping solutions such as a scraping API or SERP scraper
Why scrape Google Search?
Google Search indexes the internet, so it holds an unrivalled amount of information for individuals and organizations. By scraping Google Search, you can harness valuable keyword and ranking data for various purposes, such as:
- Gaining insights into market trends and customer behavior
- Optimizing websites and content for search engines (SEO)
- Monitoring brand reputation and tracking media coverage
- Identifying potential leads and conducting competitor analysis
General data insights and analysis
Google Search results offer a treasure trove of data on global and regional trends, customer behavior, and societal interests.
This information helps researchers and marketers understand emerging topics, public interests, and sentiments, enabling them to make data-driven decisions.
SEO optimization
Scraping Google Search results can help you improve your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies by:
- Uncovering long-tail keywords, related keywords, and keyword variations
- Providing data about your competitors’ rankings
- Tracking your ranking progress
Extracting data from Google snippets
Google snippets, like featured snippets and the knowledge graph, provide concise, curated summaries of information. Scraping this data allows businesses to provide answers to frequently asked questions in their industry and convert snippets into datasets for deeper analysis.
Some content sites even rely entirely on scraping People Also Asked questions and featured snippets for their content.
Understanding Google SERPs
The Google Search Engine Result Page (SERP) is the page that shows the result of a search query. In the past, it was a static page, displaying only links to URLs in its index with content that matches the query.
But today, Google Search results are more sophisticated, providing searchers with immediate answers displayed as featured snippets and AI overviews.
Google SERPs have also become highly dynamic, displaying search features based on the searcher's location, history, search intent, and available content, among others. Below are some of Google’s popular search features.
Featured snippets
The featured snippet is a box at the top of a search result that provides a concise and immediate answer to a searcher’s query. This is pulled from high-ranking pages for the keyword and usually links to the page it is pulled from. This is a valuable portion of the SERP to feature in because of the potential traffic it can generate for your website.
AI overview
With the rise of generative AI, Google has begun to show an AI overview for keywords, which often replaces featured snippets. The AI overview provides AI-generated content as an answer to the searcher's query. AI overview appears on 47.4% of queries with 59% occurrence for informational queries and 19% for commercial queries.
Paid ads
Paid ads appear at the top and bottom of SERPs and are marked with either the “sponsored” or “ad” labels. Unlike the organic listings which are free, businesses and organizations have to pay to be featured here for their target keywords or niche.
Video carousels
Some SERPs, especially those with informational intent, have a horizontal video carousel that displays a list of videos related to the keyword. These videos are sourced mostly from YouTube, but can also come from other video platforms or social media networks like TikTok.
People also ask
The People Also Ask section often appears after a few organic listings. This SERP feature contains common questions related to the keyword a user searched. Each question is expandable with a brief answer and the URL that contains the answer.
This section can reveal the intent of a query that you can use to inform your content strategy.
Local pack
For location-based searches such as “best restaurant in New York”, there is usually a section that lists businesses that match that query in the region. It also appeals to other location-based queries without the name of the location such as “barbershop near me.”
The local pack contains a map of the area with businesses, their contact details, and reviews.
Related searches
The related searches are a feature at the bottom of the SERP. Here, a list of related keywords to the query is displayed to help you refine your query. This is especially useful when the searcher doesn’t find the URLs listed useful enough.
You can use related searches to find new ways to write about your business or product that mirrors how your customers search for it.
Methods for scraping Google Search results
There are a few ways to scrape Google Search results. Which one works best for you depends on your technical abilities and desired outcome. Some of the methods you can use are:
- Scraping Google via Custom Search JSON API
- Building a DIY scraper
- Using a web scraper API for Google Search
Google scraping via Custom Search JSON API
The Custom Search JSON API is Google's official tool for extracting search results, which it returns in JSON format. With the Custom Search JSON API, you don't have to worry about anti-spam systems or getting blocked.
To use the Custom Search JSON API, you need to get an API key and search engine ID key which you can get from the official Google website. However, the API has limitations. For example, you only get 100 free searches daily. If you need more, you need to pay $5 for every additional 1000 searches. The Custom Search JSON API restricts paid users to 10,000 searches per day, which is the main reason marketers and researchers typically use other methods to scrape Google results.
DIY scraping solution
You can scrape Google Search results by developing a scraper from scratch. This is the most challenging option, but it’s also the cheapest, and gives you the most control over your scraper - provided you are technically proficient enough to build and maintain it. You can use any programming language to build a scraper of your own, but Python is the most popular language for scraping Google results.
All you need is to develop a workflow to download search result pages, parse the specific data point of interest, and store it.
Python provides all the libraries required. For example, you can use Selenium and undetected_chromedriver to access the Google Search result pages, BeautifulSoup to extract the data you want from the page, and the CSV module to store it as CSV.
However, building your own scraper has challenges. Google will view your automated scraper as spam and will block your IP after a just few requests. Secondly, if the structure of Google Search HTML changes, your scraper will break — and this happens all the time, causing you to spend more time maintaining your scraper.
Scraping Google Search with web scraping API
Because of the difficulty of developing your own Google scraping solution, using a scraper API is the best option. A scraper API is a specialized Google SERP scraper that returns Google Search results in JSON or HTML.
At SOAX, we’ve developed a SERP scraper that handles CAPTCHA, rotates IPs for you, and avoids all kinds of blocks. Generally, it takes all the burden of scraping Google results off you and makes it as simple as sending a simple web request. It also has geo-targeting support in 195 countries, so you can use our scraper APIs to access localized SERPs across different countries, states, and cities.
Scraping Google with Python
To start, you should create a Python file in your IDE. This way, you can follow up with each of the steps described in this guide.
Step 1: Inspecting results HTML and exploring parsing options
Right-click anywhere on a Google Search result page and click on the Inspect option from the menu. Using the Inspect pointer, find the organic listing container. It is contained in the div
element with id
as rso
This div
container contains all of the other contents including each of the 10 listings and the People Also Ask section. Each of the organic listings is contained in a div
element with classes N54PNb
and BToiNc
In the div
that contains each listing, the first anchor element (a
) is the URL of the page, the h3
is the title of the listing, and the last span element (span
) is the meta description of the page.
Step 2: Setup your development environment
We need the Python SDK, an IDE, and Python libraries for web scraping. Let's go through how to set them up.
Python is the programming language of choice. Make sure you have at least Python 3.6 installed. If you do not, head over to the official Python download page to install it for your computer and operating system.
Selenium and undetected_chromedriver
We’ll be using Selenium as Google Search now requires Javascript rendering to be turned on.
To bypass CAPTCHAs, we can use undetected_chromedriver. Run the below commands in Command Prompt or Terminal.
pip install selenium undetected-chromedriver
You should use an IDE such as PyCharm Community Edition for your scraper development. You can use an alternative IDE if you already have one such as Visual Studio Code.
Step 3: Create a new python project
Create a new project in your IDE. If there is no Python file created, create one and call it Paste the following code:
import time
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
import undetected_chromedriver as uc
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
driver = uc.Chrome()
search_box = driver.find_element("name", "q")
search_box.send_keys("web scraping python")
soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'lxml')
listings ='#rso > div')
for listing in listings:
container = listing.find('div', class_="N54PNb BToiNc")
if container:
url = container.find('a')['href']
title = container.find('h3').text
description = container.find_all('span')[-1].text
print(' ')
If you run the code above, you will get the listings printed on the console. You should expect the following on your console:
In the code above, we imported the necessary libraries and modules from Selenium, undetected_chromedriver, and BeautifulSoup.
The workflow is simple:
- Access the Google homepage
- find the element by name (q is the name)
- enter the query,
- then simulate pressing the return key
After the result page loads, the browser waits for five seconds to make sure all the page content is present. Then BeautifulSoup parses the HTML page content.
For the parsing logic, all the div elements in the div with ID rso are stored in the listing variable. The code iterates through the listing and only acts on a listing that contains a div with classes N54PNb
and BToiNc
For this, we’ll print the following fields on the console:
- title
- meta description
In subsequent sections, you will see how to store the data instead in a CSV format.
Note: When scraping, it’s important you set delays between requests to avoid overwhelming your target website. This is part of the recommendations for responsible scraping, especially for large-scale scraping.
Scraping Google with Python using a scraper API
Unlike in the DIY solution, using a scraper API takes all the burden off you. You don’t need to do any parsing or need to avoid CAPTCHAs, IP bans, and other types of blocks. Below is the step-by-step guide on how to use the SOAX SERP API.
Step 1: Obtain the API key
Create an account with SOAX and sign up for a scraper API plan. To use the SERP scraper, you need an API key. Log into your user dashboard and from the menu, click on Scraper API. In the dashboard, you will see your API key, click the Copy button next to the key.
Step 2: Install requests
You should have Python installed. If you do not, you should head over to the official download page to install it. With Python installed, you can install the requests module.
The requests module is a HTTP client for sending web requests. You can use it to send requests to the SOAX SERP API. The command for installing it is:
pip install requests
Step 3: Write a Python script to consume the SOAX SERP API
The API endpoint for SOAX SERP API is
where q
is the query parameter. There are more parameters you can use to refine the query. For now, let's stick with this. Here's a Python script to use the API:
import requests
SEARCH_QUERY = "how to scrape google serp"
headers = {"X-SOAX-API-Secret": SOAX_API_KEY}
url = f"{SEARCH_QUERY}"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
If you run the code above, you will see the JSON for the Google SERP for the query printed to the console.
Advanced scraping techniques
Once you have the hang of scraping, you can begin to employ some advanced scraping techniques, like handling pagination or improving your scraper's efficiency.
Handling pagination
Google Search results are arranged in pages, with each page consisting of about ten organic listings. The script above will only scrape the first page of a Google Search results page. In some cases, you'll need to scrape more pages.
The way to handle pagination while scraping Google Search results depends on the method you use. For example, if you use Selenium and undetected_chromedriver, you'll need to find the specific link for the page you want and then click on it. Then you can feed the page source to BeautifulSoup for parsing.
To scrape multiple pages, you can use the start
parameter in the SOAX API URL. For example, to scrape the second page of results for the keyword "money", use this URL:
Extracting different data
Google SERPs have different sections, like ads, snippets, organic listings, People Also Ask, and related searches. To extract data from a specific section, inspect the HTML and find the element that contains that section.
For example, in the People Also Ask section, each question is contained in a div with the class yEVEwb
. (This is within the main div element with class LQCGqc
Improving scraping efficiency
The scrapers you’ve developed so far are single-threaded. For large-scale scraping, use multithreading or multiprocessing to scrape multiple pages simultaneously. This way, instead of scraping one result page one after the other, you can scrape many pages at once. Python provides an excellent method to handle this type of work. This includes multithreading (threading) and multiprocessing. The threading method is great for I/O bound tasks while multiprocessing is good for CPU-bound tasks.
Exporting scraped data
Both the DIY scraper and the SERP Scraper API printed the results to the console. However, in most real-world web scraping cases, you’ll need to store the data either in a file or database. Instead of just printing the data to the console, you can store it in a CSV file. Here's how to modify the
script to save the data:
# Create a CSV file and write the header row
import csv
with open('google_search_results.csv', 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
writer.writerow(['URL', 'Title', 'Description']) # Header row
for listing in listings:
container = listing.find('div', class_="N54PNb BToiNc")
if container:
url = container.find('a')['href']
title = container.find('h3').text
description = container.find_all('span')[-1].text
# Write the data to the CSV file
writer.writerow([url, title, description])
driver.quit() # Close the browser after scraping
print("Data saved to google_search_results.csv")
Bypass Google Search blocking
Google does not allow scraping except via their limited Custom Search JSON API. Without bypassing blocks, Google will block your IP after a few requests. In some instances, you might be prevented from sending even a single request.
Note: The best way to avoid getting blocked is to use a reputable scraper API from a company that actively develops and maintains it, so you can be sure to bypass all blocks by default. If you develop your scraper from scratch, use the techniques highlighted below to bypass Google’s bot detection systems.
Use proxies and rotate IPs
Your scraper by default will use your computer’s IP address, which Google will block after a few requests. To stop this, you need to rotate IPs. This can be done using rotating residential proxies. This routes your requests via the devices of regular internet users making them undetectable — and rotates IP after every request.
Use rotating residential proxies to change your IP address with each request, making it harder for Google to detect and block you. SOAX offers excellent rotating proxies.
Set delay between requests
Don't send too many requests too quickly, even with IP rotation. It’s a good web scraping practice to set a delay between requests to avoid overwhelming your target website.
Set and rotate user-agent string
If you use a client like the requests module or Scrapy, the default user agent string will make your scraper identifiable as an automated script. You should set the user agent string to the user agent of a popular browser.
This way, Google won’t be able to use your user agent to identify your scraper as bot traffic. For more protection, you can get a bunch of user agents and rotate between them.
Use a CAPTCHA solving service
When scraping Google, the chances of getting blocked by CAPTCHAs is high as it is protected by ReCaptcha. You need a CAPTCHA solver to bypass this. There are many CAPTCHA solvers in the market including 2Captcha, Death By Captcha, and CapSolver.
One good thing about using the SOAX SERP API is that you don’t need to worry about doing any of the above as it does it for you by default.
Is scraping Google Search legal?
Scraping publicly available data is generally legal, but scraping Google can be tricky. It's not illegal to scrape Google Search, but you could get blocked. However, scraping Google for competitive purposes or overloading their servers is illegal because it goes against their terms of service.
Challenges of scraping Google Search
Scraping Google comes with challenges, especially when building your own custom scraper. These challenges are mainly due to Google's anti-spam measures and the complex structure of their HTML.
The first challenge you will deal with when scraping Google Search is CAPTCHA. If you try using Selenium alone, you will get CAPTCHA on the first try. Google is protected by reCaptcha which is effective at detecting bots.
It uses advanced techniques to monitor user interaction even after solving CAPTCHA, making it even more effective than most alternatives on the market.
IP blocking
Google tracks the IP of devices that interact with it. And when it gets too many requests from a single IP address, it bans that IP and blocks further requests.
Google doesn’t publish their actual request limit, but it’s within the range of how a normal user accesses their site. To exceed the request limit without IP blocking, you need to use rotating proxies.
Obtaining structured data
The Google Search result page is available as an HTML document. The data is structured and stored in nested elements. However, it is not easy to access the data. This is because the CSS selectors are dynamic.
Google uses different HTML structures in a bid to break scrapers and in most cases, you can’t predict which version will be shown. This, coupled with the dynamic nature of classes and IDs it uses for elements, makes it difficult to scrape.
Scraping Google Search can be challenging, but it's a valuable way to gather data. If you're not comfortable building your scraper, consider using a scraping API like SOAX. It handles the complexities of scraping for you, so you can focus on analyzing the data.
Frequently asked questions
Is scraping other Google services legal?
Scraping other Google services, like Google Maps or Google Images, is subject to the same legal considerations as scraping Google Search. Scraping publicly available data is generally okay, but be mindful of copyright and avoid overloading their servers. If you're unsure, consult with a lawyer.
Does Google provide an official search API?
Does scraping Google Search require Javascript?

Lisa Whelan
Lisa is a London-based tech expert and AI enthusiast. With a decade of experience, she specializes in writing about data, web scraping, and cybersecurity. She's here to share valuable insights and break down complex technical concepts for the SOAX audience.
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