Browser market share: The most popular browsers of 2025

By: Robin Geuens

Last updated: February 19, 2025

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Cite this research SOAX. (2024). Browser market share: The most popular browsers of 2025.

Research highlights: As of January 2025, Chrome dominates the global browser market with a 67.08% share, almost four times the share of its nearest competitor, Safari. Chrome is the top browser on desktop, tablet, and mobile.

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Browser market share worldwide

  • Chrome is the most popular browser with a 67.08% share, which is almost 4 times as much as the next competitor

  • Safari is in second place with an 18.35% share. It's way behind Chrome but still much more popular than other browsers

  • Edge is the third most popular browser, with only 5.19% of the market. 

  • Firefox has a 2.91% share, making it the fourth most popular browser. However, it's used a lot less than Edge

  • Samsung Internet and Opera have similar market shares, with 2.61% and 2.43% respectively

  • The top three browsers (Chrome, Safari, and Edge) together make up 88.70% of the market. This leaves all the other browsers to fight over the remaining 11.30% of the global share
Browser Market share
Chrome 65.16%
Safari 18.35%
Edge 5.19%
Firefox 2.91%
Samsung Internet 2.61%
Opera 2.43%
UC Browser 0.89%
Android 0.53%
QQ Browser 0.43%
360 Safe Browser 0.39%
Other 1.11%

Market share by device

Desktop browser market share

  • Chrome remains the dominant desktop browser in 2024 with a 65.14% market share

  • Edge is the second most popular desktop browser with a 13.06% share, significantly higher than its share in the overall market. This could be due to being the default browser on Windows

  • Safari holds the third position on desktops with 8.78%, reflecting its solid user base, particularly among Apple users

  • Firefox ranks fourth with a 6.89% share, showing it still maintains a loyal user base despite fierce competition

  • The top three browsers (Chrome, Edge, and Safari) together account for 86.98% of the desktop market, leaving the remaining browsers to compete for just 13.02% of the share
Browser Market share
Chrome 65.14%
Edge 13.06%
Safari 8.78%
Firefox 6.89%
Opera 3.04%
360 Safe Browser 1.02%
Yandex Browser 0.60%
QQ Browser 0.45%
IE 0.42%
Coc Coc 0.14%
Other 0.46%

Mobile browser market share

  • Chrome is the dominant browser on smartphones with a 65.84% market share

  • Safari holds the second position with a 23.80% share, primarily due to its integration with iPhones

  • Samsung Internet ranks third with a 4.36% share

  • Opera has a 2.10% share

  • Edge has a 0.34% share, showing it is less favored on smartphones compared to its desktop usage
Browser Market share
Chrome 65.84%
Safari 23.80%
Samsung Internet 4.36%
Opera 2.10%
UC Browser 1.47%
Firefox 0.50%
QQ Browser 0.44%
Android 0.38%
Edge 0.34%
Yandex Browser 0.20%
Other 0.57%

Tablet browser market share

  • Chrome is the leading browser on tablets with a 47.25% market share

  • Safari holds a significant share of 35.79%, making it the second most popular browser for tablet users, largely due to its integration with Apple devices

  • Android browser ranks third with a 14.29% share

  • Opera has a minor presence on tablets with a 0.81% share

  • Edge also has a small share of 0.71%, significantly less compared to its desktop share

  • Firefox has a minimal presence on tablets with a 0.08% share, significantly lower than its desktop usage

  • The top three browsers (Chrome, Safari, and Android) together account for 97.33% of the tablet market, leaving only 2.67% for all other browsers combined
Browser Market share
Chrome 47.25%
Safari 35.79%
Android 14.29%
Opera 0.81%
Edge 0.71%
Puffin 0.32%
Yandex Browser 0.24%
UC Browser 0.18%
Firefox 0.08%
Silk 0.05%
Other 0.28%

The most popular browsers by region

The most popular browsers in Africa

  • Chrome is the overwhelmingly dominant browser in Africa with a 75.41% market share, indicating its widespread usage across the continent

  • Opera holds the second position with a 7.98% share, showcasing its significant popularity in Africa

  • Safari closely follows Opera with a 7.91% share, reflecting its strong user base, likely among Apple device users

  • Samsung Internet has a 3.46% share, showing moderate usage among Samsung smartphone users in Africa

  • Edge has a 2.77% share, indicating some presence but much lower than the top browsers

  • The top three browsers (Chrome, Opera, and Safari) together account for 91.30% of the market share in Africa, leaving only 8.70% for all other browsers combined
Browser Market share
Chrome 75.41%
Opera 7.98%
Safari 7.91%
Samsung Internet 3.46%
Edge 2.77%
Firefox 1.38%
UC Browser 0.36%
Android 0.32%
Yandex Browser 0.07%
IE 0.05%
Other 0.29%

The most popular browsers in Asia

  • Chrome is the leading browser in Asia with a 71.34% market share

  • Safari holds the second position with a 13.52% share, showing significant use among Apple users

  • Edge ranks third with a 3.72% share

  • Samsung Internet has a 2.61% share, showing reasonable use among Samsung smartphone users

  • Firefox holds a 1.54% share, maintaining a smaller yet dedicated user base in Asia

  • The top three browsers (Chrome, Safari, and Edge) together account for 88.58% of the market share in Asia, leaving only 11.42% for all other browsers combined

Browser Market share
Chrome 71.34%
Safari 13.52%
Edge 3.72%
Samsung Internet 2.61%
Opera 1.85%
UC Browser 1.82%
Firefox 1.54%
QQ Browser 0.93%
360 Safe Browser 0.83%
Android 0.55%
Other 1.29%

The most popular browsers in North America

  • Chrome remains the most popular browser in North America with a 51.93% market share, which is lower than its share in Europe (61.46%), Africa (75.41%), and Asia (71.34%).

  • Safari holds a significant 31.79% share, reflecting the strong presence of Apple devices in North America. This is notably higher compared to its shares in Europe (19.00%), Africa (7.91%), and Asia (13.52%)

  • Edge ranks third with a 7.63% share

  • Firefox has a 4.28% share, slightly lower than in Europe (4.97%), but higher than in Africa (1.38%) and Asia (1.54%)

  • The top three browsers (Chrome, Safari, and Edge) together account for 91.35% of the market share in North America, leaving only 8.65% for all other browsers combined
Browser Market share
Chrome 61.46%
Safari 19.00%
Edge 6.47%
Firefox 4.97%
Samsung Internet 3.34%
Opera 2.83%
Yandex Browser 0.97%
Android 0.37%
UC Browser 0.12%
IE 0.10%
Other 0.37%

The most popular browsers in Oceania

  • Chrome is the leading browser in Oceania with a 55.98% market share, lower than its share in Africa (75.41%), Asia (71.34%), but comparable to North America (51.93%)

  • Safari holds a 28.29% share, higher than in Europe (19.00%), Africa (7.91%), and Asia (13.52%), but slightly lower than in North America (31.79%)

  • Edge ranks third with an 8.20% share, the highest of all regions

  • Firefox has a 2.94% share

  • The top three browsers (Chrome, Safari, and Edge) together account for 92.47% of the market share in Oceania, leaving only 7.53% for all other browsers combined
Browser Market share
Chrome 55.98%
Safari 28.29%
Edge 8.20%
Firefox 2.94%
Samsung Internet 2.80%
Opera 1.12%
Android 0.17%
360 Safe Browser 0.11%
IE 0.06%
UC Browser 0.06%
Other 0.27%

The most popular browsers in South America

  • Chrome dominates the browser market in South America with a 78.25% share, the highest compared to other regions

  • Safari holds a 7.66% share, the lowest of all regions

  • Edge ranks third with a 4.17% share

  • The top three browsers (Chrome, Safari, and Edge) together account for 90.08% of the market share in South America, leaving only 9.92% for all other browsers combined.
Browser Market share
Chrome 78.25%
Safari 7.66%
Edge 4.17%
Opera 3.60%
Samsung Internet 2.22%
Firefox 2.04%
Yandex Browser 1.03%
Android 0.35%
IE 0.24%
Instabridge 0.19%
Other 0.25%

Market Share by browser

Chrome market share

  • In 2024, Chrome's global market share increased to 65.16%, marking a 2.02% rise from 2023

  • From 2011 to 2012, Chrome experienced its highest annual growth rate, with market share jumping by 48.05%

  • In 2010, Chrome's market share was just 9.95%, but it achieved an extraordinary growth rate of 208.05% from the previous year, 2009

  • The market share of Chrome has consistently grown year-on-year except for minor declines in 2021 and 2023

  • South America has the highest Chrome market share at 78.25%

  • Chrome’s market share in South America and Africa is significantly higher compared to other regions, suggesting that users in these regions may have a stronger preference for Chrome or fewer competing alternatives

  • The relatively lower market share in North America and Oceania could be due to stronger competition from browsers like Safari and Edge

  • North America has the lowest share at 51.93%, but Chrome still leads the market


Chrome market charge per region

Region Chrome market share
North America 51.93%
Europe 61.46%
Africa 75.41%
Asia 71.34%
Oceania 55.98%
South America 78.25%

Chrome market share by year

Date Chrome Market Share Change
2024 65.16% ↑ 2.02%
2023 63.87% ↓ -1.4%
2022 64.78% ↑ 0.51%
2021 64.45% ↓ -0.23%
2020 64.60% ↑ 2.04%
2019 63.31% ↑ 7.09%
2018 59.12% ↑ 9.56%
2017 53.96% ↑ 9.94%
2016 49.08% ↑ 9.38%
2015 44.87% ↑ 15.23%
2014 38.94% ↑ 12.32%
2013 34.67% ↑ 18.33%
2012 29.30% ↑ 48.05%
2011 19.79% ↑ 98.89%
2010 9.95% ↑ 208.05%
2009 3.23%

Safari market share

  • In 2024, Safari's global market share declined to 18.35%, a 7.23% decrease from 2023

  • Despite the growth in 2023, Safari's market share saw a 7.23% drop in 2024

  • Comparing 2009 to 2024, Safari's market share increased by 14.94 percentage points

  • Safari experienced its highest annual growth rate between 2009 and 2010, with an increase of 44.57%

  • The highest market share for Safari is in North America (31.79%), while the lowest is in South America (7.66%)

  • Safari is the second most popular browser in most regions with the exception of Africa


Safari market charge per region

Region Safari Market Share
North America 31.79%
Europe 19%
Africa 7.91%
Asia 13.52%
Oceania 28.29%
South America 7.66%


Safari market share by year

Date Safari Market Share Change
2024 18.35% ↓ -7.23%
2023 19.78% ↑ 4.49%
2022 18.93% ↑ 0.16%
2021 18.90% ↑ 5.94%
2020 17.84% ↑ 12.48%
2019 15.86% ↑ 9.91%
2018 14.43% ↓ -0.55%
2017 14.51% ↑ 9.02%
2016 13.31% ↑ 1.91%
2015 13.06% ↓ -5.16%
2014 13.77% ↑ 25.87%
2013 10.94% ↑ 21.02%
2012 9.04% ↑ 42.14%
2011 6.36% ↑ 29.01%
2010 4.93% ↑ 44.57%
2009 3.41%

Opera market share

  • In 2024, Opera's global market share dropped to 2.43%, a significant 11.31% decline from 2023

  • Over the last decade, Opera's market share fell from 4.00% in 2014 to 2.43% in 2024, a decrease of 1.57 percentage points

  • The highest annual growth for Opera occurred in 2015, with a significant increase of 25%

  • Despite some growth spurts, Opera's overall market share trend from 2009 to 2024 shows a decrease from 2.85% to 2.43%

  • Africa stands out with a 7.98% share, significantly higher than in any other region

  • North America and Oceania have the lowest shares at 1.32% and 1.12% respectively


Opera market charge per region

Region Opera Market Share (%)
North America 1.32%
Europe 2.83%
Africa 7.98%
Asia 1.85%
Oceania 1.12%
South America 3.6%


Opera market share by year

Date Opera Market Share Change
2024 2.43% ↓ -11.31%
2023 2.74% ↑ 22.87%
2022 2.23% ↓ -0.45%
2021 2.24% ↑ 12.56%
2020 1.99% ↓ -22.57%
2019 2.57% ↓ -26.99%
2018 3.52% ↓ -8.33%
2017 3.84% ↓ -29.8%
2016 5.47% ↑ 9.4%
2015 5.00% ↑ 25%
2014 4.00% ↑ 8.7%
2013 3.68% ↑ 0.27%
2012 3.67% ↑ 19.16%
2011 3.08% ↑ 18.46%
2010 2.60% ↓ -8.77%
2009 2.85%

Microsoft Edge market share

  • In 2024, Edge's global market share increased to 5.19%, marking a 3.18% rise from the previous year

  • Edge has shown consistent growth since its introduction, with a significant increase of 20.33% in 2023 and 16.43% in 2022

  • From its introduction in 2019 to 2024, Edge's market share grew to 5.19%

  • Oceania leads with an 8.20% share

  • Africa has the lowest share at 2.77%, suggesting that Edge is less popular compared to other regions.

Edge market charge per region

Region Edge Market Share (%)
North America 7.63%
Europe 6.47%
Africa 2.77%
Asia 3.72%
Oceania 8.2%
South America 4.17%

Edge market share by year

Date Edge Change
2024 5.19% ↑ 3.18%
2023 5.03% ↑ 20.33%
2022 4.18% ↑ 16.43%
2021 3.59% ↑ 147.59%
2020 1.45%
2019 0.00%
2018 0.00%
2017 0.00%
2016 0.00%
2015 0.00%
2014 0.00%
2013 0.00%
2012 0.00%
2011 0.00%
2010 0.00%
2009 0.00%

Internet Explorer market share

  • Internet Explorer has experienced a continuous decline, with its market share dropping from 59.10% in 2009 to 0.16% in 2024

  • The most substantial yearly decline for Internet Explorer occurred between 2020 and 2021, with a 54.07% drop in market share

  • Internet Explorer has the highest market share in South America (0.24%), indicating some continued despite Microsoft retiring Internet Explorer in favor of Edge

  • Africa and Asia both have the lowest shares at 0.05%, showing that Internet Explorer is almost phased out in these regions

IE market charge per region

Region IE Market Share
North America 0.18%
Europe 0.1%
Africa 0.05%
Asia 0.05%
Oceania 0.06%
South America 0.24%

IE market share by year

Date Internet Explorer Market Share Change
2024 0.16% ↓ -23.81%
2023 0.21% ↓ -43.24%
2022 0.37% ↓ -40.32%
2021 0.62% ↓ -54.07%
2020 1.35% ↓ -39.73%
2019 2.24% ↓ -25.33%
2018 3.00% ↓ -24.05%
2017 3.95% ↓ -36.8%
2016 6.25% ↓ -44.4%
2015 11.24% ↓ -27.3%
2014 15.46% ↓ -33.22%
2013 23.15% ↓ -21.95%
2012 29.66% ↓ -26.42%
2011 40.31% ↓ -19.27%
2010 49.93% ↓ -15.52%
2009 59.10%

Firefox market share

  • In 2024, Firefox's global market share declined to 2.91%, a 1.36% decrease from 2023

  • Firefox has experienced a continuous decline in market share since 2009, when it held 30.17%, dropping to 2.91% in 2024

  • The most substantial annual decline for Firefox occurred between 2016 and 2017, with a 22.33% drop in market share
  • Europe leads with a 4.97% share, reflecting a solid user base and possibly stronger privacy and open-source preferences among European users

  • North America follows with a 4.28% share, showing substantial usage and a dedicated user base

  • Africa has the lowest share at 1.38%, indicating that Firefox is less popular compared to other regions


Firefox market charge per region

Region Firefox Market Share
North America 4.28%
Europe 4.97%
Africa 1.38%
Asia 1.54%
Oceania 2.94%
South America 2.04%

Firefox market share by year

Date Firefox Change
2024 2.91% ↓ -1.36%
2023 2.95% ↓ -12.72%
2022 3.38% ↓ -6.63%
2021 3.62% ↓ -14.22%
2020 4.22% ↓ -7.66%
2019 4.57% ↓ -12.28%
2018 5.21% ↓ -15.83%
2017 6.19% ↓ -22.33%
2016 7.97% ↓ -24.17%
2015 10.51% ↓ -20.2%
2014 13.17% ↓ -20.42%
2013 16.55% ↓ -22.19%
2012 21.27% ↓ -19.71%
2011 26.49% ↓ -12.72%
2010 30.35% ↑ 0.6%
2009 30.17%



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