How many users does Telegram have? (+ top countries)

By: Robin Geuens

Last updated: September 10, 2024

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Cite this research SOAX. (2024, August 27). How many users does Telegram have? (+ top countries).

Research highlights: Telegram has 800 million monthly active users (MAU) and has 5 million telegram premium subscribers.


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How many users does Telegram have?

  • Telegram hit 800 million monthly active users (MAUs) in July 2023, which is up 14.29% from 700 million in November 2022

  • There are 5 million people who have signed up for Telegram Premium

  • The biggest growth for Telegram happened between April 2020 and April 2022, when the number of users doubled from 400 million to 800 million. That's a 100% increase in just two years

  • Telegram's user base grew from 35 million in March 2014 to 800 million in July 2023. That's a 2185.71% increase over nine years

  • Between March 2014 and December 2014, Telegram gained 80 million users, which is a 42.86% growth rate in just nine months

  • Most of Telegram's users are men, with 57.5% identifying as male and 42.4% as female

Year Monthly Active Users % Change
Jul '23 800.0M ↑ 14.29%
Nov '22 700.0M ↑ 40%
Apr '22 500.0M ↑ 25%
Apr '20 400.0M ↑ 100%
Mar '18 200.0M ↑ 11.11%
Dec '17 180.0M ↑ 80%
Feb '16 100.0M ↑ 66.67%
Sep '15 60.0M ↑ 20%
Dec '14 50.0M ↑ 42.86%
Mar '14 35.0M


What countries use telegram the most?

  • India is ahead in Telegram app downloads with 104 million downloads, way more than any other country

  • Russia comes in second with 34.4 million downloads, which is about a third of India's total

  • Indonesia is the third biggest market with 27.2 million downloads
  • The US is fourth with 26.9 million downloads

  • Egypt leads in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region with 14.9 million downloads, showing significant regional use.

Country Total Telegram App Downloads
India 104.0M
Russia 34.4M
Indonesia 27.2M
United States 26.9M
Brazil 21.9M
Egypt 14.9M
Vietnam 11.8M
Mexico 11.6M
Ukraine 10.8M
Turkey 9.8M
Philippines 9.6M
Nigeria 8.5M
Kazakhstan 7.6M
France 6.5M
Malaysia 6.4M
Colombia 6.1M
Saudi Arabia 5.9M
Spain 5.6M
Germany 5.0M
Italy 4.7M



What are the most subscribed to Telegram channels?

  • The most popular channel on Telegram is @TelegramTips with 8.92 million subscribers

  • The official @telegram channel is in second place with 6.32 million subscribers

  • @ProxyMTProto and @zz_s5 are neck and neck for third and fourth place, with 6.11 million and 5.89 million subscribers, respectively

  • @ip_a6 comes in fifth with 4.93 million subscribers

  • The Russian-language channel Прямой эфир (Pryamoy Efir) has 4.64 million subscribers
Channel Subscribers
@TelegramTips 8.92M
@telegram 6.32M
@ProxyMTProto 6.11M
@zz_s5 5.89M
@ip_a6 4.93M
Прямой эфир (Pryamoy Efir) 4.64M
@ahangify 4.31M
@Myporoxy 4.18M
@linkd 3.77M
Топор Live (Topor Live) 3.71M
@RKadyrov_95 3.30M



What is the most popular Telegram channel category?

  • News channels are the most popular on Telegram, with 85% of people following them

  • Entertainment channels come in second, followed by 62% of users

  • Educational channels attract 58% of users

  • Political channels are followed by 50% of people

  • Industry-specific news channels are popular with 48% of users


Channel type Share of respondents
News channels 85%
Entertainment channels 62%
Educational channels 58%
Political channels 50%
News from own industry 48%
Personal channels of friends 45%
Channels on special military operation 36%
Channels of bloggers and celebrities 31%
Internal channels of companies 19%
Channels of brands/companies 17%
Channels on products and discounts 16%
Channels with job offers 14%
Cannels for adults 13%

Out of 50 000+ respondents